-Server 1-

Initializing Robco Industries(TM) MF Boot Agent v2.3.0
Maintenance Mode


Arthur Hawkins

DOB: 11/04/2254
Height: 5'10"
Name: Arthur Perceval Hawkins

Drunkard playboy currently residing in Megaton. Past unknown. Lives with Peterson.

Primarily uses handguns. Skilled in medicine, explosives, and swindling. Highly charismatic, even while intoxicated.

Currently working as a guard around the Megaton perimeter.

Jeffrey Peterson

DOB: 03/27/2256
Height: 5'3"
Name: Jeffrey Vincent Peterson

Former nomad now residing in Megaton. Details of past beyond that unknown. Lives with Hawkins.

Primarily uses energy weapons. Skilled at lockpicking, hacking, and acrobatics. Highly intelligent, but equally aggressive.

Currently working as a guard around the Megaton perimeter.

Harry Walker

DOB: 07/13/2258
Height: 6'4"
Name: Harold Gabriel Walker

Former resident of Vault 101. Currently residing in Megaton with Hawkins and Peterson.

Primarily uses rifles. Skilled with firearms, mechanical work, and food preparation. Physically strong, but naïve and meek to a fault.

Left the Vault in pursuit of one Dr. James Walker. Will seemingly stop at nothing to find him... if not distracted by the multitudes of people in need across the Capital Wasteland.
Letters From the Wasteland is written by devot and Tox, built with Zonelets, and hosted by Neocities.